Thursday, 27 June 2013

Few Wash Hands Properly, Study Finds
How Well Do You Wash Your Hands?


Did you wash your hands properly after you used the toilet? Probably not, a new study suggests.

Researchers discreetly watched 3,749 people, 60 percent of them women, after they used public toilets in a Michigan college town. Over all, 10.3 percent did not wash their hands at all, and 22.8 percent used no soap. The remainder did use soap, but only 5.3 percent washed for longer than 15 seconds, soap or no soap. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, proper washing means rubbing vigorously with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Men did worse than women — almost 15 percent of them did not wash at all, compared with 7.1 percent of women. People were more likely to wash their hands properly if there were motion-detection faucets, a clean sink or a sign encouraging the practice.

The authors acknowledge that the presence of even discreet observers could have affected behavior, probably encouraging more hand washing. The study appeared in The Journal of Environmental Health.

“Forty-eight million people a year get sick from contaminated food,” said the lead author, Carl P. Borchgrevink, an associate professor at Michigan State University, “and the C.D.C. says 50 percent would not have gotten sick if people had washed their hands properly. Do as your mom said: Wash your hands.”

New York Times.

BEHIND THE SCENES-Lessons from the making.
Dare to be a Job!

Whatever you do, don't forget that you may just be at the brighter side of an "Almaco" window pane; God could be at d darker side you know!...And you know what, to you inside, it looks like an opaque mirror but from the dark outside, it's a very clear transparent piece of Glass!







The cameras were set, sound was ok, no editing no director, just as raw as it was!Remember if he fails, you'll loose your championship to the devil (and come to think of it, you've never lost a bet!) God must have thought! But hey, you don't dare touch his life were God's instruction to him!

Little did Job know he was in the raw scenes of a REALITY TV SHOW in a theatre in Heaven watched by God, host of Angels and probablly, the very deviltempting him!

God had a bet on Job's allegiance and faithfulness to Him with the devil! He was sooooo sure He wont loose!

That's the way he comes -Just eat the apple, just bow down a little, just curse God... You'll not surely die(meaning: it's not that you'll die just like He makes it look. ok I just took it, did I die?) Just, just, just, as if it were that negligible and insignificant!

I can imagine the standing ovation the theatre gave after the last scenes of the show! Of course, he left; I mean the devil- sooooo disappointed!

Can God have a bet on me with the devil or will He just say to the devil " Don't just stress yourself, I know he's yours, call out another christain" or "I don't wish to mess up my records; I've never lost before and don't wish to do now" or even "hey satan, I don't play no dice, no probabilities just certainty or nothing"

I hate it when devil says to God "I said it, didn't I? It's just because of the wealth and blessings you gave him/her!"

When I see Job upstairs, I'll kiss him strongly on the Face and I'll say "here is a Golden pen (given to me by God himself) and paper; could you please sign me your Autograph? And He'll say "hey buddy, we're all Celebrities up here! Do you really need this?"

I want to be like the Bible Job he was perfect and upright in the sight of God!

Its no fairy tale, it's real!

I can be like he was through Christ who strengthens me!

I believe in Perfectionism!

Now you've said all these, pray to God to help you Nothing could be more pleasurable for Him!

Dare to be a Job!

Elvis Chidi-Ezeama