Have you heard the name ‘Beltshazzar’ before? What do you know him for? Here’s a little about this man.
Ask me of a man firm and disciplined to the marrow, I will direct you to Belteshazzar. If you are really interested to know about someone who was faithful and impeccable, you sure need to know more about Daniel.
He was so disciplined that he thrashed the dictum “when you go to Rome, behave like Romans” by behaving like a Jew in faraway Babylon.
During his early years in Babylon, he purposed in his heart not to eat the appetizing-salivating meals served at the king’s palace; if some of us were in his shoes, what would we have done? Enjoy ourselves and yell out “God understands”?
He wasn’t egocentric; after interpreting the king’s dream, he requested his friends be elevated to a higher position in the province but he remained at the king’s gate. Think about that!
All through the provinces, he was known to love and adore His God to the extent that his fellow Governors that wanted to indict him sought out ways to nail him but could only say “We shall not find any charge against Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God” they knew the only “wrong” they could find in him must be his quintessential love for God.
In places we find ourselves, what are we known for? What kind of life do we live? What do we represent? If those Governors were to be with us, what fault will they find in us? Is it possible for us to be convicted for doing the right thing in the sight of God as was the case of Daniel?
He prayed to God three times every day as a custom and that was the only fault his fellow Governors could find against him in order to get him hooked.
When we start living our lives like Daniel, great things will come our ways. Some of the great things that took place in Daniel’s life due to his trust, faith and firmness in the word of God include:
- God sent His angels to guide and guard him throughout his stay in the Lion’s den : which means, even if we get into trouble by doing things God’s way, God will always take care of the situation His own way.
- The king made a decree that in every dominion of his kingdom, that men must worship, tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: when we live for God, He will use us to draw men to Himself.
You can read more about Daniel from the book of Daniel in the Holy Scriptures.
When we dare to be like Daniel by standing alone, having a firm purpose, and making our purpose and stands known to everyone without any compromise, God will do for us as He did for Daniel even more.
Remember, if you walk in God’s light,
Shun the wrong and do the right
God will always make a way for you
God loves you more than you can imagine.
Are you a Roman in Rome, Learn from Beltshazzar.
God bless you Elex, I pray God to grant us the grace to be like this man Daniel.